Mara Dodig, R.M.T.


Mara enjoys working with people and protecting their future by maintaining their health and well-being. Massage Therapy was the natural choice to accomplish this. 

A graduate of the highly recognized and respected Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy. Mara received training in Swedish Massage, as well as Advanced Techniques such as Trigger Point Therapy, Fascial Techniques and Remedial Exercise. In addition, she is certified in Myotracing Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Reiki 2nd Degree. Myotracing Massage is a non-aggressive form of treatment that allows Mara to achieve deep, long lasting results using light to moderate pressure. This enhances the relaxation effect on the body. 

Treatments are always geared toward the patient’s needs. Mara encourages feedback in regard to comfort, pain tolerance and depth of pressure preferred during the massage. If there are any questions that you have as a client, they will be answered to ensure that you feel educated. 

Whether you are looking to rehabilitate an injury, ease aches and pains, or enjoy the benefits of a relaxation massage, Mara looks forward to meeting you!


Meet Stephanie


Meet Matthew